Welcome to Memphis Urban Wood — A Wood Upcycling Campus
The Memphis Wood Upcycling Campus is one-of-a-kind partnership that is a driver of economic activity and an engine for a cleaner, greener, more economically vibrant Memphis.

We take entire trees that have come down, whether from disease, old age, storm damage, or other causes, and give them new life as highly sought-after lumber, compost, and other wood products in a zero-waste facility.

This is a first in the nation: Taking the whole tree — from the high-quality hardwood trunks to the small branches and woody debris — and turning it into its highest and most valuable end-use.

The Upcycling Campus will produce up to a million board feet of lumber and hundreds of tons of compost in its first year.

“Memphis Urban Wood is a boon to the Memphis economy, the Memphis environment, and most of all to the people of Memphis.”

Roshun Austin
President/CEO, The Works, Inc